1. Atlas Des Amphibians De Guyane Pdf Creator Gratis
  2. Atlas Des Amphibians De Guyane Pdf Creator Free

Contents. Name Guiana is derived from an Amerindian language and means 'land of many waters'. The addition of the adjective 'French' in most languages other than French is rooted in colonial times when five such colonies existed , namely from west to east: Spanish Guiana (now and in ), (now ), (now ), French Guiana, and (now in Brazil).French Guiana and the two larger countries to the north and west, Guyana and Suriname, are still often collectively referred to as the Guianas and constitute one large landmass known as the. Of French Guiana French Guiana was originally inhabited by:,. The French attempted to create a colony there in the 18th century in conjunction with its settlement of some other Caribbean islands.

In this penal colony, the convicts were sometimes used as butterfly catchers. As the sentences of the convicts were often long, and the prospect of employment very weak, the convicts caught butterflies to sell in the international market, for scientific purposes as well as general collecting. Bill Marshall, Professor of Comparative Cultural Studies at the wrote of French Guiana's origins: The first French effort to colonize Guiana, in 1763, failed utterly when tropical diseases and climate killed all but 2,000 of the initial 12,000 settlers.Abrege Methodique De La Science Des Armoiries PDF Online. Agamemnon, Eschyle (1DVD) PDF Online.During its existence, France transported approximately 56,000 prisoners to. Fewer than 10% survived their sentence. Its infamous (Devil's Island) was the site of a small prison facility, part of a larger penal system by the same name, which consisted of prisons on three islands and three larger prisons on the mainland, and which was operated from 1852 to 1953. In addition, in the late nineteenth century, France began requiring forced residencies by prisoners who survived their hard labor.

A -British naval squadron for the in 1809. Regal cinemas movie times. It was returned to France with the signing of the in 1814. Though the region was handed back to France, a Portuguese presence remained until 1817.A border dispute with Brazil arose in the late 19th century over a vast area of jungle leading to the short-lived pro-French independent state of in the disputed territory. There was some fighting between settlers.

The dispute was resolved largely in favor of Brazil by the of the government. The territory of consisted of most of the interior of French Guiana when it was created in 1930. It was abolished in 1946, when French Guiana as a whole became an of France. During the 1970s, following the French withdrawal from Vietnam in the 1950s, France helped resettle refugees from to French Guiana.In 1964, French president decided to construct a space-travel base in French Guiana. It was intended to replace the Sahara base in Algeria and stimulate economic growth in French Guiana. The department was considered particularly suitable for the purpose because it is near the and has extensive access to the ocean as a buffer zone.The, located a short distance along the coast from, has grown considerably since the initial launches of the rockets. It is now part of the European space industry and has had commercial success with such launches as the and.In a 2010 referendum, French Guianans voted against autonomy.

Geographic map of French Guiana French Guiana lies between latitudes and N, and longitudes and W. It consists of two main geographical regions: a coastal strip where the majority of the people live, and dense, near-inaccessible which gradually rises to the modest peaks of the along the Brazilian frontier.French Guiana's highest peak is in (851 m (2,792 ft)). Other mountains include (782 m (2,566 ft)), (711 m (2,333 ft)) and (635 m (2,083 ft)), (200 m (660 ft)) and (156 m (512 ft)). Several small islands are found off the coast, the three which include, and the isolated bird sanctuary further along the coast towards Brazil.

The, a in the north of French Guiana forms an and provides. There are many rivers in French Guiana, including the.As of 2007, the, located in the most remote part of the department, is protected as the, one of the ten. The territory of the park covers some 33,900 square kilometres (13,090 sq mi) upon the of,.

Climate Located within six degrees of the and rising only to modest elevations, French Guiana is hot and oppressively humid all year round. During most of the year, rainfall across the country is very heavy due to the presence of the and its powerful thunderstorm cells.In most parts of French Guiana, rainfall is always very heavy from December to June or July – typically over 330 millimetres or 13 inches can be expected each month during this period throughout the department. Between August and November in the eastern half is a with as little as 30 millimetres or 1.18 inches in September and October typical in many areas, causing eastern French Guiana to be classed as a ( Am); the west Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni has a ( Af). The, a of bird commonly found in the region. French Guiana is home to many different:, coastal, and many types of.

French Guiana has a high level of in terms of both. This is due to the presence of (i.e., ancient/primary forests), which are.The of French Guiana provide shelter for many species during dry periods and terrestrial glaciation.

Atlas des amphibians de guyane pdf creator en

These forests are protected by a national park (the ) and six additional. The (IUCN) and the (EU) have recommended special efforts to protect these areas.

Following the of 2007, the Grenelle Law II was proposed in 2009, under law number 2010-788. Article 49 of the law proposed the creation of a single organization responsible for environmental conservation in French Guiana. Article 64 proposes a 'departmental plan of mining orientation' for French Guiana, which would promote mining (specifically of gold) that is compatible with requirements for environmental protection.The coastal environment along the N1 has historically experienced the most changes, but development is occurring locally along the N2, and also in western French Guiana due to gold mining. 5,500 plant species have been recorded, including more than a thousand trees, along with 700 species of birds, 177 species of mammals, over 500 species of fish including 45% of which are and 109 species of.The micro-organisms would be much more numerous, especially in the north, which competes with the Brazilian Amazon,.

This single French department has at least 98% of vertebrate fauna and 96% of vascular plants as found in all of France and its overseas territories. Threats to the ecosystem are: from roads, which remains very limited compared to other forests of South America; immediate and deferred impacts of 's;; poor control of hunting and, facilitated by the creation of many tracks; and the introduction of. Logging remains moderate due to the lack of roads, difficult climate, and difficult terrain. The Forest Code of French Guiana was modified by ordinance on 28 July 2005. Logging concessions or free transfers are sometimes granted by local authorities to persons traditionally deriving their livelihood from the forest.The beaches of the natural reserve of the, the joint in the west, is an exceptional marine turtle nesting site.

This is one of the largest worldwide for the. Agriculture French Guiana has some of the poorest soils in the world. The soil is low in nutrients (e.g., ) and.Is another cause of the poor soils, and it requires farmers to add to their fields. All of these soil characteristics have led to the use of agriculture. The resulting ashes elevate soil (i.e., lower soil acidity), and contribute and other nutrients to the soil. Sites of ( soils) have been discovered in French Guiana, particularly near the border with.

Research is being actively pursued in multiple fields to determine how these enriched soils were historically created, and how this can be done in modern times. Main article: As a part of France, French Guiana is part of the and the; its currency is the. The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for French Guiana is, but is generally used instead.In 2012, the GDP of French Guiana at market exchange rates was US$4.90 billion (€3.81 billion), ranking as the largest economy in the, and the 11th largest in South America. French Guiana is heavily dependent on mainland France for subsidies, trade, and goods. The main traditional industries are fishing (accounting for 5% of exports in 2012), gold mining (accounting for 32% of exports in 2012) and timber (accounting for 1% of exports in 2012). In addition, the has played a significant role in the local economy since it was established in in 1964: it accounted directly and indirectly for 16% of French Guiana's GDP in 2002 (down from 26% in 1994, as the French Guianan economy is becoming increasingly diversified).


The Guiana Space Centre employed 1,659 people in 2012. There is very little manufacturing. Agriculture is largely undeveloped and is mainly confined to the area near the coast and along the.Sugar and bananas were traditionally two of the main grown for export but have almost completely disappeared.

Today they have been replaced by (essentially beef cattle and pigs) in the coastal savannas between and the second-largest town, and (fruits and vegetables) developed by the communities settled in French Guiana in the 1970s, both destined to the local market.A thriving rice production, developed on near from the early 1980s to the late 2000s, has almost completely disappeared since 2011 due to marine erosion and new which forbid the use of many pesticides and fertilizers. Tourism, especially, is growing. Unemployment has been persistently high in the last few decades: 20% to 25% (22.3% in 2012).In 2012, the of French Guiana at market exchange rates, not at, was US$19,828 (€15,416), the highest in South America, but only 49% of 's average GDP per capita that year, and 57.5% of the metropolitan French regions outside the. Regional GDP of French Guiana (at market exchange rates; values fluctuate YoY due to exchange rates) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Nominal GDP (US$ bn) 4.63 4.59 4.53 5.06 4.90 GDP per capita (US dollars) 20,890 20,237 19,426 21,028 19,828 GDP per capita as a% of 's 46.6 49.1 48.4 48.6 49.1 Sources:; for the exchange rates.

Demographics. Main article: French Guiana's population of 244,118 (2013 census ), most of whom live along the coast, is very ethnically diverse. At the 2011 census, 56.5% of the inhabitants of French Guiana were born in the region, 9.3% were born in, 3.4% were born in the French ( and ), and 30.5% were born in foreign countries (primarily, and ). Estimates of the percentages of French Guiana ethnic composition vary, a situation compounded by the large proportion of immigrants. Mulattoes (people of mixed African and French ancestry), are the largest ethnic group, though estimates vary as to the exact percentage, depending upon whether the large community is included as well.Generally the Creole population is judged to be about 60 to 70% of the total population if (comprising roughly one-third of ) are included, and 30 to 50% without. There are also smaller groups from various islands, mainly Martinique, Guadeloupe, as well as.Roughly 14% of the population is of European ancestry. The vast majority of these are of French heritage, though there are also people of, British, Spanish and ancestry.The main Asian communities are the (about 3–4%, primarily from and in ) and from (1–2%).

Other Asian groups include,. The main groups living in the interior are the (formerly called 'Bush Negroes') who are of African descent,.

The Maroons, descendants of escaped African slaves, live primarily along the. The main Maroon groups are the Saramaca, Aucan (both of whom also live in ), and Boni (Aluku). The main Amerindian groups (forming about 3%–4% of the population) are the, (now called the ), (now called the ), and.As of the late 1990s, there was evidence of an of Wayampi. Immigration Place of birth of residents of French Guiana (at the 1990, 1999, 2006, and 2011 censuses) Census Born in French Guiana Born in Born in the Born in the rest of Born in foreign countries with French citizenship at birth¹ Immigrants² 2011 56.5% 9.3% 3.4% 0.2% 1.3% 29.3% 2006 55.3% 9.6% 3.1% 0.2% 1.4% 30.4% 1999 54.4% 11.8% 4.9% 0.3% 2.0% 26.6% 1990 50.5% 11.7% 5.2% 0.3% 1.9% 30.4% ¹ Persons born abroad of French parents, such as and children of French.² An immigrant is by French definition a person born in a foreign country and who didn't have French citizenship at birth. Note that an immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still listed as an immigrant in French statistics.

On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship (the children of immigrants) are not listed as immigrants. Source: INSEE Historical population 1790 estimate 1839 estimate 1857 estimate 1891 estimate 1936 census 1946 census 1952 estimate 1954 census 1961 census 1967 census 1974 census 1982 census 1990 census 1999 census 2006 census 2011 census 2013 census 14,520 20,940 25,561 33,500 37,005 28,506 25,459 27,863 33,505 44,392 55,125 73,022 114,678 156,790 205,954 237,549 244,118 Official figures from past censuses and estimates. Religion. Most inhabitants of French Guiana are Catholic.The dominant religion of French Guiana is; the Maroons and some Amerindian peoples maintain their own religions. The Hmong people are also largely Catholic owing to the influence of missionaries who helped bring them to French Guiana. Fertility The in French Guiana has remained high and is today considerably higher than in, and also higher than the average of the.

It is largely responsible for the high population growth of French Guiana. Total fertility rate 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 French Guiana 3.87 3.93 3.79 3.73 3.77 3.47 3.79 3.80 3.73 3.57 3.49 3.37 3.38 3.50 2.32 2.45 2.42 2.35 2.38 2.40 2.46 2.48 2.48 2.46 2.42 2.39 2.39 2.44 1.79 1.87 1.88 1.86 1.87 1.90 1.92 1.98 1.96 1.99 1.99 2.02 2.00 2.00 Source: INSEE Languages The official language of French Guiana is, and it is the predominant language of the department, spoken by most residents as a first or second language. In addition, a number of other local languages exist.Regional languages include, six (, ), four creole languages (, ), as well as.

Other languages spoken include,. Politics.Map of the European Union in the world with overseas countries and territories and outermost regions French Guiana, as part of France, forms part of the - the largest landmass for an area outside of Europe (since left the European Community in 1985), with one of the longest EU external boundaries. It is one of only three that is not an island (the others being the Spanish Autonomous Cities in Africa, and ). As an integral part of France, its is the, and its head of government is the.

Atlas Des Amphibians De Guyane Pdf Creator Gratis

Kelas: Amphibia. Famili: Ranidae. Genus: Rana Linnaeus, Spesies: R. Nama binomial. Rana chalconota.

Atlas Des Amphibians De Guyane Pdf Creator Free

Schlegel, Amphibians Class Amphibia. Animals that can live on land and in water. Chinese Giant Salamander. First animals with four limbs. A new species of terrestrial-breeding frog (Amphibia.

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From the morphology that we found, Maskoeri Jasin said in his book Sistematika Hewan Invertebrata dan Vertebratafrom the morphological characteristics mentioned above, this specimen is a male animal. In this world, the most type of frog that we found is in two types. Diperoleh dari ” https: Rhacophorus corticalis Boulenger, Rhacophorus fruhstorferi Ahl, The first side that we found is rima oris or mouth. Whereas, the extremities posterior also separated into 3 parts based to the bon that composed ampgibia has different name. Bibir atas perak kekuningandilanjutkan dengan satu atau beberapa bintik perak hingga di atas lengan. Doing kelaa carefully with scissors or a knife section start at the midline of the sternum on.

Diperoleh dari ” https: Then insert some frogs and tightly closed.Between the eyes we can see a pair of nares pore, this is nares anterior. Kongkang kolamNot having nails and claws, but there are some members that the tip of his finger amphibia experience penandukan shaping nails krlas claws, for example Xenopus sp. Nama ilmiahnya adalah Rana chalconota Schlegel, The first part named femur, tibia, tarsal that has 5 phalangus or fingers with caws too. Accessed on webpage http: Describing the outer structure and name parts. Katak ini dapat dijumpai sampai dengan ketinggian m di SulawesiPulau MunaButon dan Banggai. Opened his mouth wide, observing the parts are in ramioris, then describe. It is a cold-blooded animal or Poikilotherm 3.In this part of the head there is a small eye and in some kind of order are the eye is reduced.

Kodok Sulawesi secara umum menjadi pemakan semut. Amhpibia Kongkang kolam – Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebasTheloderma corticale atau katak ber ielas Vietnamadalah spesies katak dalam keluarga Rhacophoridae. Jari-jari tangan dan kaki dengan ujung yang melebar serupa cakram.It happened because the M. Help Center Find new research papers in: The organ looks like a group of bubbles. Sisi tubuh lateral keputihan, kekuningan atau hijau kekuningan terang. Rana chalconota Schlegel, Between meetings spinal segments will come out to the left and to the right of the spinal nerves creamy. Lihat Ketentuan Penggunaan untuk lebih jelasnya.

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