Learn How To Design LogosIf you want to learn how I come up with logo design ideas, be sure to check out my Logo Design Academy - an interactive 18-part video course where you will learn my entire creative process for coming up with logo ideas and implementing them.I love Inkscape. I use it for 99% of my design work. What I particularly love about it is how lightweight (as far as CPU resources go) a program it is, and I personally think the interface makes for a more efficient workflow than Illustrator. Unless I have to work in CMYK, I’m going to choose Inkscape over Illustrator every time.Each and every new installment of Inkscape has been better than the previous.

  1. Pdf Editor
  2. Inkscape Print On Multiple Pages

However, I’m not too crazy about version 0.91, though, and after using it for a couple of months, I went back to version 0.48.There’s not one particular reason I dislike version 0.91, but rather many different little reasons that piled up and were more than I was willing to deal with. Allow me to explain. It’s SlowerFor some reason, this latest release seems to drag compared to any other version I’ve used. Version 0.91 has a tendency to lock up briefly whenever I’m editing gradients, browsing through fonts in the text editor, and the bezier pen lags to the point where it’s almost unusable.One of Inkscape’s major benefits for me has always been how lightweight, fast and efficient it is.

I could probably overlook these issues for my day-to-day freelance work, but when I’m recording screencast tutorials for Youtube, as you would imagine, it only gets worse. I don’t think this is a problem with my computer. I’m running 16GB of memory. Editing large video files in Blender gives me less hiccups than using the bezier pen in Inkscape 0.91. Editing GradientsEditing gradients in previous versions of Inkscape was a breeze. You’d simply click the edit icon, then a floating window would pop up with a dropdown menu of the stops listed, each of which you could select and change.

Adding and removing stops was simple too, and it actually worked.In version 0.91, not only does that almost cause my machine to lock up, but the feature doesn’t even function properly. When you click the “add stop” icon at the top toolbar, nothing happens. You have to select the 2nd stop first, then go back to the first stop, then go back to the second stop, then it’ll work. This is obviously some kind of glitch, and the ritual of back-and-forth clicking is the only way to get around it.In addition, sometimes the color menu doesn’t even appear when you select a stop. I’ll have to close and reopen Inkscape in order to get it back. Not sure if this is some kind of glitch, or something else that I’m overlooking. New Text EditorThe new text editor isn’t very fluid.

There used to be numeric input boxes for each that were separate from the sliding handles. In 0.91, the numeric inputs have been combined with the sliding handles.

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So now, when you go to click on the numbers to change them, Inkscape first recognizes that action as changing the sliding handle, which is rather annoying when you want to give something a precise numeric blur, only to click on the digits and first end up with a 98% blur. I liked it much better before. Where Is The Undo/Redo Dialog?I’m not talking about the undo/redo history menu.

That’s something entirely different. I’m talking about when you click “Edit” on the toolbar.In previous versions of Inkscape, the Undo text in that menu had the most recent action written out next to it. For example, Edit Undo: Remove Stroke, or Edit Redo: Change Opacity. Now, for some reason, it’s gone.

It just reads Undo without letting me know what I’m undoing.This is disappointing. I frequently used that menu as a shortcut to see what action I most recently executed, because sometimes I can’t tell if I actually executed something or not. Having to open the undo history menu for this is a step backwards when you previously had a shortcut for it.

Edit Multi Page Pdf Inkscape Review

Pdf Editor


The beauty of that dialog was the streamlining of that process. PNG files export without a file extensionWhen you export a graphic as a bitmap, for some reason, it renders without the.png file extension, meaning all software (including Inkscape) will not recognize it as a graphic. You have to manually type in the extension after the name.

Inkscape Print On Multiple Pages

For example, instead of simply typing in output and clicking export, you now have to type in output.png.Again, this sounds like a trivial thing to complain about, but having to manually type “.png” after the title of every file I export, when I never had to do that in previous versions, is a new habit to adapt to (that very often slips my mind) and somewhat of a step backwards for the software.I don’t know if this is a Linux issue or not (it could very well be,) but I didn’t have this problem on Linux with any of the previous versions. Out with The New, In with The OldThere are some new features in 0.91 that I really like, like panning the canvas with the spacebar (I’ve really fallen in love with that function and will miss it,) and apparently they’ve experimented with mesh gradients (which I haven’t tested out yet.)Overall, this entire version feels like a step backwards, whereas all of the previous releases felt like gradual improvements.This isn’t meant to be a jab at the Inkscape team. I understand this is a labor of love for them, and I’m eternally grateful and indebted to them for this wonderful software they’ve created, but I just wanted to share my feedback as a power user (I like to consider myself a power user, anyway.)I also wanted to have this post to point my Youtube subscribers to, because I’m sure many of you will be asking why I reverted back to version 0.48 in my next tutorial. Do not worry. I will make sure to execute future tutorials in such a way that they’ll be compatible with version 0.91.

What Are Your Thoughts?Let me know what you think of Inkscape’s latest release in the comments section. Am I crazy, or are these legitimate concerns? I’m eager to hear what some of you think of version 0.91.Become A Master of Inkscape!Want to learn more about how Inkscape works? Check out the Inkscape Master Class – a comprehensive series of over 50 videos where I go over every tool, feature and function in Inkscape and explain what it is, how it works, and why it’s useful.150+ Logo TemplatesNeed a professional logo but have a limited budget? Or are you a designer looking to add to your inventory of design elements? Check out my bundle of 150+ high quality logo templates, all designed by Yours Truly.Logos By Nick LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

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