The Project Gutenberg eBook of Alcohol, by Mrs. Allen.The Project Gutenberg EBook of Alcohol: A Dangerous and UnnecessaryMedicine, How and Why, by Martha M. AllenThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.orgTitle: Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and WhyWhat Medical Writers SayAuthor: Martha M.

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AllenRelease Date: October 4, 2008 EBook #26774Language: EnglishCharacter set encoding: UTF-8. START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ALCOHOL.Produced by Bryan Ness, Deirdre M., and the OnlineDistributed Proofreading Team at (Thisbook was produced from scanned images of public domainmaterial from the Google Print project.). “The benefits which have been supposed from their liberaluse in medicine, and especially in those diseases which arevulgarly supposed to depend upon mere weakness, haveinvested these agents with attributes to which they have noclaim, and hence, as we physicians no longer employ them aswe were wont to do, we ought not to rest satisfied with themere acknowledgment of error, but we ought also to makeevery retribution in our power for having so long upheld one ofthe most fatal delusions that ever took possession of the humanmind.”Dr. Higginbotham, F. S., of Nottingham, akeen and able clinical practitioner, abandoned theprescription of alcohol in 1832, saying:—. “I have amply tried both ways.

I gave alcohol in my practicefor twenty years, and have now practiced without it for thelast thirty years or more. My experience is, that acute diseaseis more readily cured without it, and chronic diseases muchmore manageable. I have not found a single patient injuredby the disuse of alcohol, or a constitution requiring it; indeed,to find either, although I am in my seventy-seventh year, I wouldwalk fifty miles to see such an unnatural phenomenon. If Iordered or allowed alcohol in any form, either as food or asmedicine, to a patient, I should certainly do it with a feloniousintent.”— Ipswich Tracts. 346.In 1839 Dr. Julius Jeffreys drew up a medicaldeclaration which was signed by seventy-eightleaders of medicine and surgery. This documentdeclared the opinion to be erroneous that wine,beer or spirit was beneficial to health; that even inthe most moderate doses, alcoholic drinks did nogood.


This, of course, dealt only with the beverageuse of alcoholics. In 1847 a second declarationwas originated, signed by over two thousand of themost eminent physicians and surgeons.


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This alsoreferred only to liquor as a beverage. In 1871 athird declaration, signed by two hundred and sixty-nineof the leading members of the medical professionwas published in the London Times.This declaration was in part as follows. “In my hands ethylic alcohol and other bodies of the samegroup; viz. Methylic, propylic, butylic, and amylic alcoholswere tested purely from the physiological point of view. Theywere tested exclusively as chemical substances apart from anyquestion as to their general use and employment, and freefrom all bias for or against their influence on mankind forgood or for evil.“The method of research that was pursued was the samethat had been followed in respect to nitrite of amyl, chloroform,ether, and other chemical substances, and it was in the followingorder: First, the mode in which living bodies would takeup or absorb the substance was considered.

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This settled, thequantity necessary to produce a decided physiological changewas ascertained, and was estimated in relation to the weight ofthe living body on which the observation was made. Afterthese facts were ascertained the special action of the agent wasinvestigated on the blood, on the motion of the heart, on therespiration, on the minute circulation of the blood, on thedigestive organs, on the secreting and excreting organs, on thenervous system and brain, on the animal temperature and onthe muscular activity.

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