I have been a hacker going on two decades, and never been in trouble with the man. Well that is not completely true, the one and only time I was caught was at University.It was my last year, and I had the hot’s for a girl, she was gorgeous, so much so that she turned the eye of a visiting American student, he was clearly trying to get in her pants. I was convinced he was trying to chat her up, via a new technology called electronic mail. So one night, two in the morning, I came to the only conclusion that a green eyed man would come to, I had to check her and his email box.It was simple enough, I had placed a key logger on the boot up disk of the workstations at the end of my second year, and I had the Admin passwords of pretty much every admin and root user in the university. After getting access to both of their accounts I verified that he was sending her emails, trying his best lines, BUT to my surprise she was slapping him down each and every time, I felt bad, bad that I hadn’t trusted her, bad that she clearly loved me, but I betrayed her trust by accessing her account.After snooping for an hour or two I decided it was time to clear out any evidence of being in the system, I went through the Novell Audit logs and deleted all entries of the logins, basically deleted everything from midnight, when they logs had rolled over, then went home to bed.

The next day I went to my first lecture, about three in the afternoon, I didn’t go to lectures before midday, ever, well not since the end of my first year, I always choose my courses based on the lecture schedule, making sure that the only courses I signed up for that started before midday were first year courses, where I could just read the text book and not have to attend the lecture. To this day, I still know nothing about the Smalltalk programming language as I refused to take the advance programming course that covered it, because they had lectures at 10:00am on a Tuesday and Thursday.After my first lecture I went to the computer lab, like I did every day, logged in. The first sign something was up was my disk space allocation, it was HUGE, at least 100 times what I should have been allocated, and ALL of my applications had been compiled.

In my inbox I had an email asking me to go to the head of computer science office, my heart sank.To cut a long story short, they had “caught” me because I had used my student swipe card to access the computer room, and hadn’t cleared those access logs, damn it. I cleared off the key loggers on the boot disk’s and became a lot better at cleaning up after myself, I have never been caught again, cause you know, I don’t do that anymore.But I am in security, so I do keep abreast of the latest hacking techniques, you know, so I can protect the networks I look after.

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We som times hate studies,Bt we love technology.popular post.pages.Category.Hai gUys this is cybersnake Hacker Vijay.

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