Back in the late 80s and early 90s, the game company FASA was pretty famous for Battletech, a game about giant robots in war. They also decided to take some of the lessons learned from Battletech and create a far future military game with a completely integrated system, top-down, from personal RPG to tanks to starfighters to system-level invasion.That game was Renegade Legion.Renegade Legion covered a universe where the Terran Overlord Government – TOG – controls a huge portion of space. TOG are opposed by the Commonwealth and the Renegade Legions, splinters from TOG’s military. TOG has this whole Romans in space thing going, even though it’s very far in the future. So far, in fact, that gravity control is common.The game line had several boxed sets and games which could be played independently or linked easily. Off the top of my head, these went from Legionnaire – covering individual people – to Interceptor(starfighters), Centurion(grav tanks), Leviathan(capital ships) and all the way to Prefect, which organized an entire system invasion.

  1. Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Printer 2017
  2. Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Printer Manual
  3. Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Printer Reviews

It was pretty interesting how they did that.I’m not going to cover all those games. Heck I don’t even own all of them. I do own a few, though, and one of those is Legionnaire. So let’s take a look, shall we?The GoodThis game was a bit ahead of its time in many ways. It is a military game, and within that field it excels well. It allows easy integration with the other lines of Renegade Legion – indeed that was one of the design goals of the line – and has a very detailed writeup on the military organization and the like. It also includes a fair bit of background material for the setting, including speculation on how it works as it does when at a glance it seems it wouldn’t.The game line history was pretty interesting, in that humanity did not take to the stars as the plucky newbies and fight for their right to be recognized and eventually become a force to be reckoned with.

Well, they did, but with a catch: humanity was enslaved for a long while under an alien species. As a result, the TOG government is extremely xenophobic, practices slavery itself, and also rather misogynistic. They are undoubtedly the ‘villains’ of the game, yet given a sympathetic reason for being the villains.


TOG dedicates itself to ensuring humanity will never be enslaved again, and their misogynistic tendencies are due to when the human race had a severe population issue, resulting in females being highly valuable and not people who should be risking themselves.The Commonwealth and the Renegade Legions are more egalitarian, both to alien species and to women in general. While they are clearly the heroes, the conflict is also clearly painted as a cultural clash due to historical events shaping the current government. It lends a depth to the game that lets people play a clear good vs bad game without getting into cartoonish evil.Technology is thought out pretty well, too. Antigrav is used for almost everything, treated as a breakthrough tech which it should be. FTL travel is limited in ways that are not annoying and make reasonable sense. What’s more, it has actual reasonable communications tech that was pretty impressive to imagine back in 1990.

Most everyone has a wristband that informs them of their accumulation of a certain kind of radiation, but it also acts as basically a PDA(though they didn’t use that term since it wasn’t in use at the time), and wireless communicator that integrates with shipboard networks and downloads information packets when traveling. The game isn’t /quite/ as zeerust as some others of its age. In fact it’s a little surprising that FASA included so much wireless tech here, but failed to anticipate it for Shadowrun. Even stranger because Sam Lewis worked on both this game and Shadowrun. Michael Stackpole, of Battletech fame, was another designer of note.Legionnaire also included a Prestige system that accumulated prestige with your superiors, and allowed you to spend it during adventures for aid. This could be minor(1 point – a civilian bodyguard) to something pretty major(orbital bombardment for 200 points).I won’t go into the system of the other games in this line, except to say they were generally good from what I did play.

The BadOh dear lord where to start?This game has a lot wrong with it. To demonstrate, let’s run through a character creation bit first, with the understanding that we are going to be playing a game in the Commonwealth, as a military squad under the titular Renegade Legion. So let’s begin! Character CreationWe start with the typical character generation for this era of games: rolling stats. We have two options here, one of rolling 2d10 for each of the eight Attributes, in order, or a point buy!

How progressive! Unfortunately the point buy system gives you enough points to make an /exactly/ average character, with each Attribute at 11. So we’re going to roll stats, just the way it says in the book. Let’s see what we get!.roll roll roll.Agility 15, Charisma 17(!!), Constitution 8, Dexterity 12, IQ 7, Luck 9, Speed 11, Strength 7.So I’m an agile, likeable guy with average hand-eye coordination who is sickly, weak, mildly unlucky, and dumb as an ox. Not really the kind of character I’d want to play, but in roll-in-order systems the gameplay idea is ‘Fuck you for wanting to make the character you want!’ So there’s our start.We also have two more rolls to do!

Edge(which is the mechanic used to adjust die rolls like Fate Points) and Talents(Money). Rolling these I start with 16,000 talents, which is good, and an Edge of 5, which is really high!Now, on to Skills and Career Paths. Here is where we run into real problems with this systemSkill points are determined by IQ plus 3. Guess I only have 10 Skill Points to buy skills with! Fortunately they have these things called Career Paths, which let you buy packages of skills and give you bonuses to your Rank rolls(more on that later) by choosing a group of skills to get a discount on. So let’s just choose something from the Renegade Legion career packages!

Maybe an infantryman! Or a starfighter pilot!.flip flip flip.Well it looks like every one of these Career Paths requires a Minimum IQ of 8 or higher, even the Enlisted Grunt. So I guess we can’t actually select any Career Path because we rolled shitty on one Attribute.Let’s choose skills!.flip flip flip.Well it looks like Skills in this game have a minimum IQ requirement, so a lot of them aren’t available to me! I’ll just pick from the tiny selection available.Brawling 1, Laser Firearms 2, Projectile Firearms 1, Stealth 1, Protocol 1, Acting 1, Bounce Pack Operation 1, Swimming 1.I’d like more noncombat skills, but they all have IQ requirements too high for my IQ.So now we have to roll(again) for Rank. This is where it gets from ‘dumb’ to ‘strains believability.’I decide to go with the Renegade Legion Legions, as a Combat Arms guy.

Basically an infantryman, is the plan. I roll a 13 on 2d10. This is further modified by adding my Luck and IQ together, for a 16, and dividing it by 8. This gives me a plus or minus two. Bumping the 13 to 15, I start out with the rank of Centurion Maximus. Equivalent to a Captain Officer rank in the modern army.So this weakling idiot is now an officer despite lacking the capability to learn the Strategy skill. Okay.Now we have to go through Lifepath!

Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Printer

Here, we roll repeatedly on tables until we hit the Rank we start with. I’m not going to detail all my rolls, I’ll just tell you what we ended up with in the end:My age is increased from 22 to 27(starts at 17 and +5 years from spending my meager 10 SP earlier)Laser Firearms increased from 2 to 4.Projectile Firearms from 1 to 2.Stealth from 1 to 2.Protocol from 1 to 5.Bounce Pack operation from 1 to 3.Prestige went from 0 to 2(this is a stat used to requisition equipment and such)My Agility, one of the three attributes I had above average, went from 15 to 6(!!)My Speed went from 11 to 2(!!)My IQ finally went up by 1 from 7 to 8. I can purchase useful skills now! Which is good because with an Agility of 6 I’m a sitting duck in combat.My Dexterity went from 12 to 13.As you can see, this is a ridiculously shitty character who is basically worthless unless you want a Protocol roll.

I guess that’s what he’ll do. And sometimes pew pew with a laser pistol and hope he doesn’t get shot at. I can appreciate some randomization in chargen to prevent min/max behaviors and to reflect that you can’t always choose your role in life, but I’d at least like to end up with a character resembling something I’d like to actually RP.I will note this was my first attempt to roll up a character. I didn’t do several of them and choose the worst or anything. I’m sure I could get a much better character with a different result set.

The SystemThe actual system isn’t so so bad, for the most part, but it does have weird scaling. You roll a number of dice equal to the difficulty, and get under your attribute plus skill. For 2d10 this gives a 50% chance for an average skill rating, but the numbers go up rapidly, and starting attributes are much more important than skills. Penalties are extremely severe for minor things.


For example, using a skill untrained adds another die, which is already pretty bad but using it untrained without the necessary IQ level to buy it adds another die of difficulty for each point you lack. This means that trying to do something untrained as an opposed roll is basically impossible in some cases, especially because the opposed roll rules are terrible.Opposed rolls are the absolute worst. While the skill rules above work for most skill rolls, opposed rolls are just way too difficult. Equally-skilled opponents have only a 10% chance to hit one another but a much less skilled fighter has a 10% chance to hit a more skilled fighter.

Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Printer 2017

Some might argue that this is realistic, given how two equally-skilled fighters can parry and block for a long while before getting a hit in, but in an RPG it is just really frustrating and boring. Other ThingsI don’t actually have a lot of issues with the rest of it. Those two problems above are some pretty big ones, though. The UglyThe art is somewhat bleh, but typical of the time and probably superior to many game lines in this period. FASA was one of the bigger game companies of the time, and had their own artists.

You can see much similarity between the art in this book and in Shadowrun 1st, for example.The layout of the book is pretty poor, but at least it has a pretty thorough table of contents. Just flipping through the book is pretty confusing though, and a lot of the important rules are kind of stuck wherever.

Again, though, this was not that unusual for games of the time.I personally dislike the heavy reliance on attributes that this game has when compared to skills, but that is admittedly a personal pet peeve. Probably a bigger issue is that it is a military game, and playing anything nonmilitary is only given lip service. Just not really supported. ConclusionI heard a lot of good things about this game, and I so badly wanted to play it when it was new. Looking back at the rules now, I shudder to think about it. With some house ruling of the character creation system it could almost be playable, but I’m not so sure what I’d do about the opposed roll problem. Maybe it works better in practice or something, I don’t know.

Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Printer Manual

I don’t really have much of an urge to find the time to actually play this now, but I admit the setting intrigues me. Maybe I’ll convert it to Fate Core or something like that and see how it goes, but then I’d lose the integration with the tactical games.,.

Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Printer Reviews

Access-restricted-item true Emulator dosbox Emulatorext zip Emulatorstart Renegade/IAFIX.BAT Identifier msdosRenegadeLegion-Interceptor1990 Mobygames Mobygamesalsofor Amiga Mobygamesdevelopedby Strategic Simulations, Inc. Mobygamesgenre Strategy/Tactics Mobygamesmisc Licensed Mobygamespacing Turn-based Mobygamesperspective Top-down Mobygamespublishedby Strategic Simulations, Inc. Mobygamesreleased 1990 Mobygamessetting Sci-Fi / Futuristic Mobygamesvehicular Space Flight Scanner Internet Archive Python library 0.7.5 Year.

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