Crafting Vision Join us on October 30, beginning at 6pm for an evening of great food and beer to support the Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired. We’ll be gathering at Creston Brewery, 1504 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids. Your individual ticket includes: Entry to the event; Appetizers and light dinner fare; First drink of the evening; and an Opportunity to interactively learn more about ABVI and its services Tickets can be purchased online at: For more information or sponsorship opportunities please contact Linda Zizos at 616.458.1187 or Vision Loss can be a traumatic experience. This is especially true if you have just begun to lose your vision (Low Vision). Having Low Vision means that even with regular glasses, contact lenses, medicine, or surgery, you find everyday tasks difficult to do. Reading the mail, shopping, cooking, and writing can all seem challenging.Your doctor may not be able to restore your vision, but Low Vision services can help you make the most of what is remaining.

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You can continue enjoying friends, family, hobbies, and other interests just as you always have. The key is to not delay use of these services.

Toys and games nice and naughty for vision development “Many electronic games and apps are overstimulating to the senses and do not allow for true thinking and processing skill growth.”Deck your holiday gift lists with toys and games that are not only fun but vision-friendly.For decades, Kellye Knueppel, O.D., and Mary Gregory, O.D., have been devising separate annual lists of games, toys and other gifts that are fun and jolly good for vision development. Their lists are now holiday traditions, as they share picks on their practices' blogs.Dr.

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Gregory, who practices at Omni Vision & Learning in Monticello, Minnesota, finished this week. Knueppel, who practices at the Vision Therapy Center in Brookfield and Madison, Wisconsin, went up a few weeks earlier.' Parents request the list, if we don't get it out soon enough,' Dr. Knueppel says. 'They do appreciate having some ideas for Christmas gifts that will support their child's vision therapy program. In addition, the toys on the list are good for any child to help build visual skills.'

Both lists jingle games and toys that could be classified as classics (checkers and bingo), but a few relatively new gift ideas (i.e., robot toys) are sprinkled in.What's not on the doctors' holiday gift lists? Digital devices.' Many electronic games and apps are overstimulating to the senses and do not allow for true thinking and processing skill growth,' says Dr. Gregory in a post accompanying her list.' Nothing makes me happier than when I know my children are playing with a really awesome gift, and I know their little brains are developing some serious skills at the same time,' Dr. Gregory writes.The doctors of optometry resort to a sack of methods to develop their lists: They try them out in the office or home. They review 'hot toy' lists from the game and toy industries.

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Knueppel reads product reviews. Gregory gets tips from parents.

They lean on their optometric expertise to recommend what works and what the needs are.New to Dr. Knueppel's list this year are age-appropriate listings.' Almost everything on the list now has an appropriate age level with it,' she says. 'This should make it easier for parents to choose the most appropriate toys.

The developmental age may not match the actual age of the child, if the child is behind in their development of certain visual skills. For example, many of the items in the space perception category would be good for anyone of any age who needs to work on eye teaming and depth perception.'

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Check designer premier edition download. Debuting on Dr. Gregory's list are robots.' The big gifts the kids are talking about this year are robots,' she says.

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'Robotics clubs are growing in our area and children of all ages are talking about playing with robots or programming their own robots. We certainly encourage the hands-on building and programming of this technology, but my list is more to supplement the electronic gifts with brain-building games.' Educate your patients and the community with tips on selecting safe toys to prevent eye injuries. Free members-only electronic messaging content, including an infographic for your practice's social media channels.And share with patients these gift recommendations by doctors of optometry, (some of which may require safety equipment to use):Dr.

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