File Format. PDFSize: 248 KBWhat does an artist statement mean?An artist statement is a comprehensible, descriptive and free composition which also acts as an introduction about a certain artwork that is usually displayed in front of the portrayed artist’s creation. Its main purpose is to give the viewers or readers a complete understanding of the artist’s work and its. In its simplest sense, it is a writing that shows an overview of the artist’s interpretation of his/her work. Typically, the basic ideas of a described work are opened in an overview that is composed of two to three sentences or in a brief paragraph.

Furthermore, it is in the second paragraph where the depictive details of the work are concisely discussed.How long is an artist statement?Art experts suggest that the best length for a published artist statement is typically between 150-200 words. This bracket of word numbers is enough for an artist to express his/her interpretation of his/her artwork, but also not too long that would bore and distract the audience. Nevertheless, some of the artists limit their statements in two to three sentences. The artist statement can change throughout the artist’s career and as time passes by, these statements are maintained and also revised.Poetry Artist Sample. File Format.


PDFSize: 5 KBHow to Write an Artist Statement?An artist statement is essential to every artist. It shows that you are thoughtful and you are serious about your work.1. Be honest about yourself and to your art. Understand what your art express and what it’s trying to achieve.2.

Consider your influences. Think about the things that influence your art and their.3.

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Identify what you want the people to understand about your art.4. Briefly explain and express your connection to your art.5. Use simple language, do not write in vague.6. Revise if it’s necessary.To further guide you on writing an artist statement, this article offers artist, and format for easy reading and download.Example Artist Statement. File Format.

PDFSize: 17 KBWhat Information Should You Include in an Artist Statement?Your artist statement should explain, contextualize, and justify your whole work. Just like a good book, it needs to have good content.

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The following are the information you should include in your artist statement. Your vision about your work.

Your about your work. The reason why you created your work and its background. The expectation of the audience to your work. How your previous work relates to your current work. Your inspiration for creating your work. The people or other artists that influence you.

Your techniques and methods. The significance, relevance, and the purpose of your work.You may also see a.Abstract Statement Sample. File Format.

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DOCSize: 8 KBHow to Conclude an Artist StatementAn artist statement overall provides clear and simple context without the use complex terminology. However, some artist prefers to make their statement deep and “thought-provoking” that is suitable for their abstract work of art. Nevertheless, they all end it with a strong of their art. Here’s how to close an artist statement.1. Summarize the whole content of your artist statement in a short paragraph.2. Express the relevance and purpose of your work in one or two sentences.3.

Conclude it with your overall vision for your artwork. And write it as if you are writing a vision for a.Tips From The Art Experts in Writing an Artist StatementNow that you already know the basics in composing an artist statement, this section will provide you a bunch of tips from the art experts that would surely help you improve your own. Without any further ado, here is a list of pieces of advice from the masters of art in writing an artist statement.1.

Consider your audience.You write an artist statement, not just because you want to explain what your art is all about, but most importantly, it is because you want your visitors to understand the secrets behind the mystical creation of yours. With this said, it is critical for you, as an artist and a speaker, to evaluate who are your probable guests for the event. By doing this, you will have better content that would be beautifully appropriate for the crowd. Furthermore, with you knowing the demographics of your viewers, it is easier for you to communicate and ensure that you are all in the same boat.2.

Follow the 3 C’s of StyleAs an artist, it would be helpful if you learn to apply the three C’s of style which specifically indicates that your artist statement should be clear, concise and consistent.Keep it clear.Whether you’re going to present an abstract, it is still important to keep your statement clear. Remember that you do not need to impress them with your extensive vocabulary, the key purpose here is to be understood by the audience. Thus, keep it unambiguous and precise. Moreover, avoid stating too technical jargons or if it’s inevitable, you can expound on them.Keep it concise.Keep in mind that an artist statement is not a research paper, it doesn’t need to be that long and should not be that long. Practice empathy on your audience, put yourself in their shoes. Isn’t it very boring and uninteresting to listen to a lengthy statement? Thus, keep your statement short yet packed with significant details.

According to several museum surveys, the average visitor spends around 5 to 15 seconds gazing at the artworks. Thus, utilize that span of time to briefly interpret your art.Keep it consistent.Just like burger and fries, your statement and artwork should match too. It would be absurd if you’re going to talk about your aunt who is purely unrelated to your painting or the food you bought yesterday that is entirely apart from your sculpture. Thus, your artwork and artist statement should not contradict each other, keep it consistent.3.

Keep it legible.Upon submitting your own artist statement, it is advisable to evaluate it first. Since this article is going to be read, make sure that is clearly and easily legible. If your artist statement is computerized which most of the people nowadays prefer, avoid using Serif or fancy fonts. Accordingly, utilize San Serif fonts or simple ones such as Arial, Tahoma, and Helvetica. Furthermore, also check on the font size in which 10 should be the minimum. Also, keep it clean and organize for readability purposes.These tips are just some of what art experts commonly suggest in writing an artist statement.

If you are unconfident with your composition, you may rely on these pieces of advice to improve your own writing.

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Op25. About Writing for the Design Mind'Becoming a designer takes a huge amount of time and education. With so many skills to learn, many people never get the chance to master the one skill that can give them a real advantage in business or academia: They never learn to write well.” In Writing for the Design Mind author, designer and educator Natalia Ilyin offers clear, concise, and humorous writing tips, techniques and strategies to people who have spent their lives mastering design rather than learning to write. Ilyin's book helps designers approach writing in the same ways they approach designing – teaching skills and methods through encouragement, practical exercises and visual advice. Writing well is a skill, like any other, and with this book you can learn to do it with confidence.

Reviews“Every designer will have to write in her career. Some will find it more painful than others. Funny, direct, wise and clear, design educator Natalia Ilyin has come to the rescue.” – Communication Arts Magazine“I would make this book required reading for any writing intensive course within an Art & Design department.” – Gary Rozanc, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA“A hugely engaging and inspiring read - the tone is perfect for students.” – Neil Leonard, University of the West of England, UK and author of Becoming A Successful Graphic Designer.

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