1. Bus Drivers Change Tray For Computer
  2. Bus Drivers Change Tray For Kids
  3. Leather Change Tray

Bus Drivers Change Tray For Computer

BusBus Drivers Change Tray

Bus Drivers Change Tray For Kids

.Related content.Public transport - Bus drivers Work-related violence case studiesFirst Group is a public transport company which provides both railand bus services. It operates mainly in the UK where it has 26 000 employeesand also in America and Canada, where there are a further 24 000 employees.In the UK, the bus service is separated into 27 bus operating companydivisions.This study focuses on First Leeds, a bus company in the Yorkshire Division.This has 475 buses and 1030 bus drivers. First Leeds is currently implementinga three-year programme of violence prevention and management measureswith the intention of preventing violence to its bus drivers.Key risks. Carrying cash – this risks theft. Road rage incidents. Angry passengers.

Leather Change Tray

There is a higher risk in the afternoon and earlyevening when passengers are returning from work, particularly if theyhave had a long wait for a bus. Certain locations or bus termini are particularly at risk from vandals. Youths and anti-social behaviour. Drunk passengers and drug users.Examples of incidentsRobberies: during robberies drivers have been threatenedwith knives, air guns, even samurai swords.Fireworks: recently, as a driver was getting intohis cab a firework was thrown on to the bus. The driver managed to getout of the cab in time but the force of the explosion damaged the cab,shattering both front windscreens and damaging the assault screen.Firearms: in one incident, a shotgun was fired atthe windscreen of the bus.Vile behaviour: youths urinated down the periscopethrough which the driver sees the top deck of the bus.

The driver lefthis cab to talk to the youths and was attacked by them. The consequences of violence. Physical injury. Stress and fear which have a cumulative effect on health. Lost time and production because of sickness absence. Demoralisation and staff losses. A negative effect on recruitment because people are put off whenthey hear about the problems.

Financial loss through compensation claims – although thisis mitigated by a company-specific sick pay scheme.Successful measures Training and informationSpecific training: all drivers receive one day ofhealth and safety training as part of their induction. Some of the coursemodules deal specifically with violence and aggression.

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