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Physiological PsychologyPalomar CollegePhysiologicalPsychologyDAY COURSERoger N. Morrissette, PhDSpring 2010Psyc 210: 30486SYLLABUSPsychology210. An examination of the biological basis of behavior.

Topics to be coveredinclude neuroanatomy, drug use and addiction, reproductive behavior, “mental”illness, neurological disorders and sleep processes. Laboratory includesneuroanatomical dissection. CSU; UC (CAN PSY 10). Prerequisite: PSYC100.LessonFormat:Lectures: T, Th: 12:30 am -1:50 pm, room: BE-6Laboratory:Tue or Thu: 2:00 -4:50 pm, room: BE-6Instructor:Roger N.

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Morrissette, Ph.D.(760) 744-1150 x 3255OfficeHours:Tues and Thurs: 11:00am - 12:30pm or by appointmentOffice:W-14Texts: 1.Breedlove, Rosenzweig, and Watson, BiologicalPsychology, 5thEdition, Sinauer, 2007.2. Lecture Notes PacketCourse Web Page:GRADING:Your grade is based on 3 examinations, 3 quizzes, laboratory exercises, and class participation.Examinations:There will be 3 examinations. The exams are multiple choice and are worth 100 pointseach. Please bring an 882-E scantron for each of the exams. There are extracredit points on each exam. Unlessthere is documented evidence of illness or family crisis,THERE WILLBE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS.Quizzes:These will be short, multiple choice, and cover material from the previous fewlectures. Please bring an 882-E scantron for each of the exams.

Thequizzes will be given at the beginning of class so if you are late you will missthe quiz. Each quiz is worth 25 points. Unless there is documented evidence ofillness or family crisis,THERE WILLBE NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES.LaboratoryExercises:Throughout the semester I will be observing your behavior in the laboratory.I will give written and oral assignments during lab time.

During thelaboratories I will be watching your level of responsibility, cleanliness,motivation, performance, and your group interaction skills. Laboratory exercisesare worth a total of 175 points.ClassParticipation: If youhave questions, the odds are that other students have the same questions, soplease don't hesitate to ask. Your contribution to classroom discussion canenhance your grade through class participation - 50 possible extra points.Tardiness and absenteeism will adversely affect your class participation grade.Note: You will have 2 weeks to contest any exam, quizor written assignment grade. After that point, all course documents will bedestroyed.A SPECIALNOTE ON CHEATING:There will be no tolerance forcheating. If I catch you cheating the least I will do is failyou in this course.

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Depending on the situation I may make a formal suggestionto the Academic Dean that you be suspended from school. When you cheat yousacrifice your integrity not only as a student but also as a person. Therereally is no good reason to cheat so do everyone a favor, study hard and do yourown work.SUMMARY OFPOINT DISTRIBUTION.

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