
A subreddit dedicated to hacking and hacking culture.What we are about: quality and constructive discussion about the culture, profession and love of hacking.This sub is aimed at those with an understanding of hacking - please visit for posting beginner links and tutorials; any beginner questions should be directed there as they will result in a ban here.Guides and tutorials are welcome here as long as they are suitably complex and most importantly legal!Bans are handed out at moderator discretion.Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. 'TeenagerArrested in Computer Crime Scandal', 'Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering'.Damn kids. They're all alike. Rules:.Keep it legalHacking can be a grey area but keep it above board. Discussion around the legality of issues is ok, encouraging or aiding illegal activities is not.We are not your personal army.

This is not the place to try to find hackers to do your dirty work and you will be banned for trying. This includes:. Asking someone to hack for you. Trying to hire hackers. Asking for help with your DoS. Asking how to get into your 'girlfriend's' instagram.

Offering to do these things will also result in a ban.No 'how do i start hacking?' See or the stickied post.Intermediate questions are welcomed - e.g. 'How does HSTS prevent SSL stripping?'

Is a good question. 'How do I hack wifi with Kali?' Is bad.No 'I got hacked' posts unless it's an interesting post-mortem of a unique attack.

Your nan being phished doesn't count.Sharing of personal data is forbidden - no doxxing or IP dumping.Spam is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban. Professional promotion e.g. From security firms/pen testing companies is allowed within the confines of site-wide rules on self promotion, but will otherwise be considered spam.Off-topic posts will be treated as spam.Low-effort content will be removed at moderator discretion.We are not tech support, these posts should be kept on.Don't be a dick. Play nice, support each other and encourage learning.Recommended Subreddits:. On a mac if you are just trying to reset a password boot into recovery (this only works on 10.8, and 10.7) open terminal under utilities, and type 'resetpassword' it will open a window.

Type new password. I shit you not.

It is that simple. Offline NT Password reset works for Windows up to 8 (I have just not tried it on 8)Now for brute forcing as someone else said John the Ripper. Works for both Windows, and OS X. If for whatever reason John the Ripper is not enough here is another utility that can crack the hashes using your video card (or CPU)To save you some trouble though if you do not need to actually obtain the password only data. Just hook up the hard drive from the PC to a mac using a USB dock and drag it over to wherever you want. That is assuming the drive is not encrypted.

Odds are it isnt.Here is some official stuff on resetting the password on a mac like I said above. It was hard for me to believe it was really that simple. Of course you do lose the keyring information, but you do get access to everything else (data programs ect).

I'm glad that you solved your problem, but adding 'SOLVED' to the question's title is not how we do things around here. Accept the answer you found most helpful, or self-answer your question in a new answer. This way others experiencing same problems and looking for solutions would know how to solve it themselves too. Please also to add specific details of your problem to your question (it's rather unclear now what your configuration is/was). And specifics of what you did to solve it in a new answer, if the already existing one didn't work for you. Thanks!–Jun 6 '14 at 13:31. MAC address filtering is a very weak form of wifi protection:.

Aircrack Hack Wifi

the MAC addresses of your devices can be easily eavesdropped with tools like wireshark.the MAC addresses of their devices can be easily changed (OS dependent, but typically an option in Network Settings).MAC address filtering is annoying to maintain. You have to login to your router configuration every time a new device connects, find the MAC address in the settings of the new device, type in 12 seemingly-random hexadecimal digits (or copy from the logs of connection attempts), and still tell the new device the new strong wifi password.To secure your wifi, make sure you use WPA2 with a strong passphrase (e.g., 6-8 random words) with WPS (Wifi Protected Setup) disabled. You should also check that your router doesn't have any known.The strong high-entropy password is extremely important. Wifi passwords can be cracked in after capturing a handshake, at a rate of trying millions to billions of passwords per second. However, 8 words randomly taken from a dictionary with 10000=10 4 words, means there are 10 32 passwords the attacker would have to try (assuming the attacker knew that's how you choose passwords - the rate will be worse if they don't know this). At a rate of a billion passwords per second per computer with a million computers, it would take more than a billion years to crack an 8 random word password.

(Note picking a well known quote/phrase is much much weaker even if it is 8 words long.) A passphrase of six random words would have 10 24 (e.g., with a million computers doing a billion passphrases per second it would take only 31 years to break). Note a four-word passphrase only has 10 16 so a single computer doing a billion passphrases per second would take about a month or two to break it. A three-word passphrase can be broke by a single computer in under 20 minutes.Note, if you choose to go the random characters route, if you choose characters randomly from uppercase+lowercase+numbers, then a three-word passphrase is about equal to a 7 character password, a four-word passphrase is about equal to a 9-character password, a six-word passphrase is about equal to a 13 character password, and a eight-word passphrase is about equal to an 18 character password.

@Cerveser - Your MAC address is not secret information - it's necessary public info for wifi cards to identify packets intended for them. Every communication to any wifi router broadcasts the MAC to everyone with a wifi card in wifi radio range from you and this only needs to be eavesdropped once for just one device (e.g., wireless printer, smart TV, tablet, smart watch, internet camera, laptop, chromecast, smartphone). If by default wifi is off, then you are fine with or without MAC filtering - there's no wifi to access as you turned it wifi off at the router.–Mar 26 '16 at 16:00. MAC protection isn't much protection at all since you can easily spoof your MAC address.Even if you hide your network SSID (Service Set Identifier) broadcast soon as you connect to the network using wireless and he's sniffing using tool such as AirMon-NG he would gain your SSID name for your AP (Access Point) which is passive and could attack the handshakes. A couple of thoughts. As pointed out, security based on MAC or SSID is pretty useless against a dedicated attacker. WEP encryption is useless as well.

Use the best security mechanism your router supports. WPA2 is good.

WPA is okay, when used in conjunction with TKIP or EAP. Use the longest encryption key you're offered. Use the longest PSK you are allowed (usually 63 characters); this will stop brute force attacks. Unless you have a lot of ad hoc additions to your WLAN, the key should be random sequence. LinuxGuts69' is a terrible password that a decent cracker will quickly find (2 dictionary words + '69' is the kind of pattern the specifically look for).

Freeware Wifi Cracker

Look and see if your wireless AP supports changing the 'key renegotiation interval'. Change it to something smaller, like 300 seconds. This forces the AP and the client to compute a new session key and will defeat attacks that rely on collecting a lot of encrypted data under a single session key. Don't set it too small or it will effect performance. If you have a small area that you use your WLAN in, reduce the transmit power of your AP radios. He can't hack you if he can't get a signal. Similarly, if your AP supports it, you might get a directional antenna the beams most all the signal away from your bad guy.

Hack Wifi Password Mac Wpa2

If you can find out the MAC of your bad guy, you can use something like Aircrack-ng to send him dissociate packets and repeatedly kick him out of your AP. Be aware that he can return the favor and kick you off as well. If your bad guy has only has an 802.11B/G or 2.4GHz only 11N WLAN card, moving to 802.11A or 5GHz 11N means he can't see you. You might also change the channel your WLAN works over to one or the other end of the spectrum. If he's particularly unsavvy and depending on what gear he has, that can make it harder for him to get a signal to you.There are probably some more things you can do, but complexity goes up pretty quick.

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