  1. Jrco Spreader Parts

Jrco Spreader Parts

Click to expand.It takes a little trial and error to get used to operating this spreader. You will quickly learn the right speed and gate settings to spread the proper amount of material. From years of experience I can look at a yard and estimate the amount of product required (1.5 bags, 3 bags,.5 bags, etc.). Of course this all equates to labeled application rates per area.When I first started using this spreader, I used lower gate openings and speeds to insure I wouldn't over apply, and then adjusted accordingly. You quickly develop a feel for the proper gate opening, width of spread speed, and ground speed. For narrow strips I leave the gate opening the same, decrease the width of spread, and increase ground speed.

For wide open spaces I increase the width of spread and slow down a little on the ground speed. Basically I keep the gate opening at a set spot and control amount of product through impeller speed and ground speed. It is simply a 'feel' I have developed, and results show that it works for me.

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