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911 operator helps woman give birth on side of roadROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. The side of the road became a delivery room when a woman went into labor and had no idea what to do. Fortunately, a 911 dispatcher helped walk her through it.It was Sunday just after noon on Interstate 20 westbound. A mother was trying to get her 37 weeks pregnant daughter to the hospital but had to call 911 when her daughter went into labor.Chris Morris got the call.He gets murder calls.

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He gets drowning calls. All kinds of emergencies. But he never got a call where he had to help deliver a baby on the side of this road.' The baby's head is out,' the mother told Morris on the phone.Morris instructed her to keep her eyes on the road.Channel 2 Action News got a copy of the 911 call.TRENDING STORIES. ​Mother: 'I see the baby's head.'

Dispatcher: 'Okay, you see the baby's head. I need you to go ahead and pull over ma'am.'

Morris gave the mother instructions on how to prepare for the delivery. He stayed calm while the expectant mother screamed from the pain.Mother: 'Okay. Dispatcher: 'Is the baby completely out?' Mother: 'Yes.' It was a triumphant moment. For the new mother, the new grandmother and the dispatcher.The mother, her newborn and grandmother are doing fine.Morris said he checked on the grandmother.' She said, ‘Thank you.'

I didn't know what the hell I was doing,' Morris joked.The baby girl is still in the hospital. The family was going up to see her today.Morris said he would love to meet them.© 2019 Cox Media Group.

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